Information provided by DC Water
Starting on Monday, March 7, 2016, and ending on Monday, May 2, 2016, the disinfectant used for drinking water treatment will temporarily switch from chloramine (chlorine + ammonia) to chlorine. During this time, customers may notice a slight change in the taste and smell of drinking water. This standard switch in disinfection is part of an annual program to clean water pipes and maintain water quality throughout the year.
If you notice a stronger chlorine taste and odor:
- Run the cold water tap for two minutes.
- Refrigerate a pitcher of cold tap water tominimize the chlorine taste and odor.
- Use a pitcher-style or faucet-mount filter to remove chlorine.
The Washington Aqueduct, operated by the Army Corps of Engineers, is responsible for treating drinking water in the District. DC Water works closely with the Aqueduct to monitor drinking water throughout the city to ensure chlorine levels meet safe levels. To view monthly chlorine levels, visit For more information, contact the Drinking Water Division at (202) 612-3440.