Information provided by Emanuel D. Briggs, DC Water manager of community outreach, (202) 787-2003 or
On Thursday, April 7, from 6:30–8:30 pm, DC councilmember Jack Evans and DC Water CEO/general manager George S. Hawkins are co-hosting a town hall meeting to discuss water projects and issues impacting Ward 2. The town hall will be held at Georgetown Neighborhood Library (Lower Level Meeting Room), on 3260 R Street NW. Click here for a flyer.
(Should you miss the town hall meeting for your respective ward, please feel free to attend any of the other meetings as the presentation being provided by Mr. Hawkins will be the same for all the meetings.)
Since 2010, Mr. Hawkins has been co-hosting an annual town hall meeting (one per ward) with District councilmembers to discuss issues related to water and sewer with residents. The primary purpose of the meetings is to generate customer feedback about the proposed rate increase for water/sewer services for the upcoming fiscal year. This feedback is shared with DC Water's board of directors prior to its annual Public Rates Hearing, which takes place in early-to-mid May. Resident feedback is very important, as comments are heavily considered by the board while voting on the proposed rate increase in July. Interested residents are encouraged to sign up and testify at the hearing; DC Water's board secretary and her team attend each two hall meeting with a sign-up sheet for this purpose.
In addition to Mr. Hawkins's presentation on the proposed rate increase, the town hall meetings follow an open house format, whereupon DC Water staff representing each department are stationed at tables around the room and are prepared to address customer inquiries on a wide array of topics, including the following:
- Water quality and water conservation
- Wastewater treatment process
- New and ongoing construction projects, and coordination efforts with DDOT and fellow utilities
- Routine water/sewer infrastructure repairs, both scheduled and emergency repairs
- Status on pending work orders for reported water and sewer emergencies and/or reporting new emergencies
- Community Outreach program
- DC Clean Rivers Project updates
- Catch basins
- Water mains and fire hydrants
- Overall DC Water personnel operations
- Employment opportunities at DC Water
- Customer Service (Billing)
- Residents interested in testifying at the annual DC Water Public Rates Hearing