Submitted by DC Water
As many of you are aware, since 2010 DC Water has been co-hosting it’s Ward Town Hall Meetings with District Councilmembers each year, with one meeting happening in each Ward. While we did not hold Town Halls last year, we are resuming the meetings this year. The primary purpose for the Town Halls is to share with resident’s important information on the proposed rate increase for the upcoming fiscal year.
Resident feedback from the meetings is shared with our Board of Directors prior to our annual Public Rates Hearing, which takes place in early-mid May. Resident feedback during the Town Halls and Rates Hearing is very important, as their comments are heavily considered by our Board while voting on the proposed rate increase in July. In fact, interested residents are encouraged to sign up and testify at the Hearing; our Board Secretary and/or her team will attend each Town Hall Meeting with a sign-up sheet for residents who wish to testify at the Hearing.
In addition to rates, DC Water personnel will be available at the Town Halls to address resident questions and concerns on other topics such as water quality, water conservation, wastewater treatment, construction projects, infrastructure maintenance and emergency repairs, community outreach, DC Clean Rivers Project, employment opportunities, and billing.
As you may also know, former C.E.O. and General Manager Mr. George Hawkins, departed DC Water as of January 5. Our new Interim C.E.O. and General Manager is Mr. Henderson Brown. Mr. Brown is eager to work with your ANC and meet with your constituents in his new capacity, so these meetings will also be a great opportunity for that purpose. Please see below the list of scheduled meetings, all of which will be from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm.
Ward 2: Tuesday, March 27, School Without Walls at Francis-Stevens, Auditorium, 2425 N Street NW, Washington, DC 20037
Ward 1: March 29, DC Housing Finance Agency, Auditorium, 815 Florida Avenue NW Washington, D.C. 20001
Ward 3: April 3, University of the District of Columbia Student Center, Ballroom A, 200 Connecticut Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20008
Ward 4: April 5, Paul Public Charter School, Auditorium, 5800 8th Street NW, Washington, DC 20011
Ward 5: April 19, Trinity University Main Hall, O'Connor Auditorium, 125 Michigan Avenue NE, Washington, DC 20017
Ward 6: April 17, Payne Elementary School, Gymnasium, 1445 C Street SE Washington, DC 20003
Ward 7: April 26, IDEA Public Charter School, Cafeteria, 1027 45th Street NE, Washington, DC 20019
Ward 8: April 24, Matthews Memorial Baptist Church, 2616 Martin Luther King Jr Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20020