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Managing Change Meeting

The final managing change in Burleith meeting will be held on Thursday, May 3, from 7–9 pm at Washington International School on 36th Street. This is an open forum on the merits of historic designation for Burleith.

Meeting Details

We will start with 10-minute summations of arguments for and against historic designation in Burleith. If you would like to be one of these two presenters, please email BCA president Eric Langenbacher at

We will have an on-site sign-up sheet for people who want to speak for or against. Given time constraints, these will be oral presentations (no slides) or no more than 3 minutes each.

Please review the materials on the Explore Historic Designation page on the BCA website, which contain summaries of previous community meetings and other background.


Earlier Event: April 30
ANC 2E meeting
Later Event: May 12
Spring Clean-up