Call Box Time Capsules

By Eric Langenbacher,

As you have no doubt heard, the Burleith Citizens Association has been restoring the call boxes throughout the neighborhood. Now that the project is nearing completion, there's one more thing that we—especially the kids of Burleith—can do.  

There will be a small space inside of the call boxes between the back of the structure and the plaques that discuss aspects of our neighborhood. I thought it might be a cool idea to have folks make small time capsules to fit in this space.

Here are some details:

  • You will need to measure the space and your proposed capsule to make sure it fits. Stainless steel is the best option for the container.
  • There are many websites that can guide through the process. I don't think we need to be too fancy (e.g., replacing the oxygen with nitrogen/welding the container shut). But, this would be up to you.
  • Good things to put inside might include the front page of a newspaper, or a letter about who you are, the people you know, popular music, current events, etc. You should avoid anything organic and also certain synthetic materials. 

The call boxes are at these intersections:

  • 35th and Whitehaven
  • 36th and S
  • 37th and T
  • 37th and R
  • 38th and S

If you are interested in participating, please email me no later than August 1. If we have a lot of interest, we might have to have people share a time capsule. The final time capsules would have to be finished by August 10.


there's room for a time capsule in the space currently occupied by the "HELP" flier. A plaque detailing an aspect of burleith's history will be affixed to the open side. photo by rich field.

there's room for a time capsule in the space currently occupied by the "HELP" flier. A plaque detailing an aspect of burleith's history will be affixed to the open side. photo by rich field.