2017 BCA Board Slate

This October 15 post was updated to include the agenda.

The annual meeting of the Burleith Citizens Association will be held on Thursday, November 10, from 6:30–9:00 pm, at Washington International School (enter on 36th Street).

Per the BCA bylaws, BCA members who are Burleith residents or who own property in Burleith are entitled to vote. For voting purposes, membership must have been current 30 days before the vote (i.e., on October 11) and on the day of the vote. Resident-owner households have two votes, and other qualified voters have one vote. Procedures for additions to the proposed slate of officers and non-officer directors appear at the end of this post.



President: Eric Langenbacher. Eric and his wife, Kayoko (Kay), have lived on T Street since 1997, a year after they moved to Washington. They have two sons, Adam (18), who attends the University of Colorado Boulder, and Max (14), who is at School Without Walls. Eric is the director of the Honors Program and a teaching professor in the Department of Government, Georgetown University. He studied German and political science in Canada before completing his PhD in government at Georgetown in 2002. He spends his free time gardening.

Vice President: Nan Bell. Before becoming vice president of the BCA, Nan served as president and treasurer. As VP, Nan sits on the Georgetown Community Partnership (GCP) steering committee and works closely with the six GCP working groups that have Burleith representation. Most of Nan’s professional career has been in the field of international educational and professional exchange at the U.S. Department of State. She holds an MA in French literature from George Washington University, a BA in French from Rhodes College in Memphis, and a certificate in executive international business from Georgetown University. Nan travels to France with her partner, Robert Kane, whenever possible and has lived in Burleith since the late 1970s.

Co-Recording Secretary: Carol Baume. Carol moved to Washington in 1992 and bought a house in Burleith in 1995. In the past few years she joined the Burleith Hiking Group, History Group, and Garden Club. She loves Washington and feels fortunate to live in Burleith. Carol is a professional in international development with a focus on public health research and communication, and has done much work on malaria prevention in Africa and parts of Asia. She holds a BA from University of Michigan, and two masters and a PhD from Stanford University.

Co-Recording Secretary: Robert Russell. Robert and his wife, Emily, moved to Burleith in 2004 and he was elected to the BCA Board in 2014. Heidi, their dog, was the first addition to the family soon after buying the home and rather unbelievably won Burleith’s Top Dog competition at the 2016 summer picnic. They have two daughters who attend Stoddert Elementary – Annika (3rd Grade), and Ingrid (Kindergarten). Robert, who grew up mostly in Europe and graduated from Colgate University, works for CSRA serving the federal government as a consultant on national security and emergency preparedness issues. He coaches both daughters’ soccer teams, is an avid skier and loves winter weather. He is committed to the families of Burleith and such topics such as schools, safety, celebrations, and Santa’s annual visits.

Corresponding Secretary: Linda Brooks. Originally from Southern California, Linda moved to Burleith in 1983. She holds a master’s degree in mathematics and worked in software development, metrics, cost estimation, and process improvement for many years before retiring from Northrop Grumman and becoming active in the community. In 2009 she set up Burleith’s online membership database and joined the Board in 2012 as corresponding secretary, responsible for membership. Since then BCA membership has increased over 34%. Linda's other two passions are hiking and Scandinavian folk dancing. She and her husband, Ross Schipper, spearheaded the startup of the now-popular Burleith Special Interest Groups, led the BCA’s successful fire call box restoration project, and host the winter gløgg party. She also represents Burleith on the GCP Safety and Student Life working group.

Treasurer: Francine Steininger. Francine has been a resident of Burleith for over 15 years and is a graduate of Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business. In her professional life she has managed international and U.S.-based energy and environment projects working with a wide variety of stakeholders and cultures. As the BCA’s first sustainability coordinator, Francine looked for ways to help residents transition towards “greener” living, starting with the rooftop solar cooperative effort. She also serves as treasurer of the Burleith Community Fund. Francine likes to spend weekends on the Chesapeake Bay, getting back to nature, hosting friends, and sailing. In Burleith she likes to spend time in her garden and hopes to one day install a green roof on the top of her garage.


Ann Carper. Ann is the BCA website editor and a former editor of the Burleith Bell. Now retired, she held writing/editing, marketing, and public affairs positions with the Smithsonian Institution and other organizations. Ann has a master’s degree in journalism from Northwestern University and a BA from Vassar College. She moved to Washington in 1980 and has lived on 39th Street with her partner, Beth McKinnon, since 2001. Ann occupies her time by vegetable gardening, traveling, occasional freelance editing, and monitoring energy savings from their new solar panels.

Edith Cecil. Edie has been a resident of Burleith for over 20 years and has served on the board as treasurer and at-large member since 2012. She spends her professional time as vice-president of the Institute of International Education (IIE), a global non-profit focused on providing opportunities for higher education worldwide. When not working for IIE, you will see Edie in her garden, where she tries to contribute to the beautification of the neighborhood.

Stacy Bernard Davis. Stacy has lived on T Street since marrying her husband, Rich, 21 years ago. They have two sons and a daughter. Stacy leads a team at the U.S. Department of State to promote religious freedom in Europe and combat anti-Semitism. She has degrees from Cornell and The Fletcher School and is active in the Fletcher Women's Network. She enjoys travelling for work and with her family as well as theater, gardening, and practicing yoga. Since joining the BCA Board last year, she’s been the editor of the Burleith Bell.

Alex Frederick. Alex is a retired teacher who has lived in Burleith for the past four years with his wife, Katherine Schantz, head of the Lab School of Washington. For 20 years Alex worked for the Kildonan School in Amenia, NY, and the Wheeler School in Providence, RI, teaching both English and photography and coaching high school and middle school lacrosse. Before moving to the District, he was a member of the sales staff for Philadelphia’s leading professional photography store, The Camera Shop, in Bryn Mawr, PA. He is a graduate of Penn State University and has a master’s degree in film from Boston University. His photography work has appeared at the Waverly Street Gallery in Bethesda and in Photographer Forum’s Best of Photography series.

Liane Jones. Liane has lived in Burleith for over 10 years. She has currently served three years on the BCA Board focusing on advertising for the Bell Newsletter and the Burleith website. She has also served two years on the Burleith Community Fund (BCF) as vice president. With over 25 years in the financial services business, Liane now works at Janney Montgomery Scott LLC as a financial advisor. She and her team focus on both individual and corporate relationships with a specialty on socially responsible investing and retirement planning. Liane holds her FINRA Series 7, 63, and 65, is insurance licensed, is certified as an Accredited Asset Management Specialist (AAMS), Charted Retirement Plans Specialist (CRPS) from the College of Financial Planning, is a Certified Financial Divorce Analyst (CFDA), and recently obtained her Accredited Investment Fiduciary (AIF). She has an undergraduate degree from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, and a masters from American University.

Kay Twomey. Kay has served as vice-president and member at large on the BCA board and is president of the Burleith Community Fund. She is the founding executive director of Mountbatten Associates, a communications and consultancy firm. Kay has years of experience working in healthcare and with large nonprofits and foundations where she oversaw communications, public education, and development initiatives. She shares her time and love of reading with children, helping them build confidence and see their bright possibilities. Kay also enjoys time with family and friends, food, the arts, architecture, travel, and sports.

Additions to the proposed slate of officers and non-officer directors may be made according to the current bylaws, which read:

“…any individual not nominated by the Nominating Committee, who is eligible for an officer or non-officer director position under the bylaws and wishes to be considered for such position by the membership at the Annual Meeting, shall be deemed nominated for such position if he or she submits a written petition signed by individuals representing no less than 30% of the voting membership of the Association, to the Corresponding Secretary of the Association no later than 14 days before the day of the Annual Meeting.”