DC Water Survey

Take the survey online or mail in the paper copy. the deadline is february 12.

Take the survey online or mail in the paper copy. the deadline is february 12.

Earlier this month, DC Water mailed Burleith residents a flyer describing maintenance of our recent green infrastructure improvements along with a magnet representing green alley signage and a survey about green infrastructure. (Burleith got permeable—aka “green”—alleys; other neighborhoods had other green infrastructure installed.)

Answer the survey online or return the paper copy (both by February 12) and receive a free DC Water bottle.


Alleys: To maintain proper facility performance, alley maintenance includes utilizing a regenerative air vacuum sweeper to clean the joints between the pavers. DC Water will perform alley permeable pavement cleaning once a month, March through December. (Note: Maintenance of permeable pavement in the alley will not impact parking.)