Census: Just Take It!

As of May 7, almost 54% of DC has responded, less than the national response rate of 58.1%.

As of May 7, almost 54% of DC has responded, less than the national response rate of 58.1%.

Information taken from U.S. Census 2020 and DC Census 2020

Curious about how many people in DC and elsewhere are responding to the 2020 Census? Start here: https://2020census.gov/en/response-rates.

Paper questionnaires and reminder postcards were mailed out this month from the U.S. Census Bureau to any households who have not yet completed their 2020 Census. There's still time to fill out the questionnaire once you receive it. And there's no cost when sending back the paper form. Don't want to wait? Then get counted now at 2020census.gov or call 1 (844) 330-2020.

The goal is for as many households as possible to complete their census in March or April. After May 30 (depending on the coronavirus situation), households that have not completed the census form will receive a follow-up visit from a U.S. Census taker at their home.

Why does it matter?

  1. The federal government distributes over six billion dollars annually to the District to support vital programs based on census data.

  2. Census data is used to update Ward and ANC boundaries to reflect population growth and movement across the District.

  3. District agencies rely on accurate census data for budgeting, planning and policy decision-making across the city.

  4. Residents use the census to support community initiatives involving legislation, quality-of-life and consumer advocacy.

  5. Businesses use census data to decide where to build offices and stores—creating jobs for the community.

Besides, as Jerry McCoy, special collections librarian at the Georgetown Neighborhood Library’s Peabody Room, said at the end of his Census Day video, don’t you want researchers to be able to find you in 2092, when the results of the 2020 Census are released?