DPR Ellington Responses

The following information was emailed on April 30, 2021, to ANC 2E Commissioners and various DC staff and officials from Tommie L. Jones, Jr., Chief of External Affairs and Director of Strategic Partnerships & Development, DC Department of Parks and Recreation. His responses cover questions stemming from the virtual community meeting on April 6, 2021, to discuss the upcoming Ellington Field renovations.

(Mr. Jones’s email has not been edited, although the Q&As have been re-formatted for easier reading. Background information on the Ellington Field transfer is available here; the page has not been updated since February 20, 2020.)

From: "Jones, Tommie (DPR)" <tommie.jones@dc.gov>
Subject: RE: Awaiting DPR responses on Ellington Field questions
April 30, 2021 at 4:14:47 PM EDT
To: KishanPutta <KishanPutta@gmail.com>, "Miller, Elizabeth H. (SMD 2E07)" <2E07@anc.dc.gov>
Cc: "Nohrden, Peter (DPR)" <peter.nohrden@dc.gov>, "Putta, Kishan (SMD 2E01)" <2E01@anc.dc.gov>, brooke pinto <bpinto@dccouncil.us>, ella hanson <ehanson@dccouncil.us>, "Evennou, Danielle (DPR)" <danielle.evennou@dc.gov>, "Nohrden, Peter (DPR)" <peter.nohrden@dc.gov>, "Ross, Ely (DPR)" <Ely.Ross@dc.gov>, "Faulkner, Ella (DPR)" <ella.faulkner@dc.gov>, "McSween, Monique (DPR)" <monique.mcsween@dc.gov>, "Sisco, Brent (DPR)" <brent.sisco@dc.gov>

Good afternoon Commissioner Putta and Miller:

Thank you so much for your patience regarding the follow-up answers to Ellington Field community meeting. Please find the answers to your questions below. Should you have any additional questions or concerns please send me an email or give me a call at 202-431-8676. 

Responses per emailed questions (below) 

We have grouped the questions into 5 buckets: Access/General, Lights, Traffic, Field Houses, Other:


Q. DC transferred the field from the schools dept (DCPS) to the parks dept (DPR) against community and ANC wishes. The signed transfer document (ATTACHED) is different from the unsigned transfer document posted on your website. It looks like the priority usage was broadened from just 3 schools to also include "other schools DCPS deems necessary” Please explain why and exactly what that means? What if DCPS was convinced to deem it necessary for a private school to have priority?

A. DPR is working in partnership with DC Public Schools (DCPS) who has been tasked with determining the school usage schedule for Duke Ellington Field. DPR is committed to working with the school community to provide priority usage as agreed upon in the transfer memo. 

Q. What does “non-exclusive/non-possessory” mean? Would any private entity ever be able to reserve the track or field for exclusive use?

A. In essence, this term means that the field and track will be available for permit by any entity under DPR’s permitting guidelines, while allowing for multiple users.

Q. What is the difference between a permit-holder and a “partner”? Partner is contract for multiple seasons, doesn’t need to renew each season – right

A. The term “permit-holder” refers to any individual, group, or organization who obtains a permit to use a DPR facility through the agency’s permit process. A “partner” is an individual, group, or organization who agrees to work with DPR in a particular manner to advance the agency’s mission. For more information on how to become a DPR partner, visit: https://dpr.dc.gov/page/become-partner-0.

Q. Will you ever allow the track to be reserved by DCPS schools (such that neighbors would be unable to use the track)? By private entities? If so, will you commit to come before the ANC to review any track reservation?

A. The track, just as the field, are permittable assets under DPR’s supervision. The use of DPR amenities are regulated by DPR regulations. As always, DPR seeks to strike a balance of access and use of its amenities.

Q. How often would/could inter-scholastic competitions be held? Can we place a limit on the number and frequency and dates/times?

A. DPR has not received any permit requests for inter-scholastic competitions to-date. The use of DPR amenities are regulated by DPR regulations. As always, DPR seeks to strike a balance of access and use of its amenities. Per DPR’s response to the question above, the track is a permittable DPR amenity.

Q. Are you considering a fenced dog park? Your application says dog parks should be 5000 sq feet if possible. Can that fit comfortably? Some DPR dog parks are not attractive - how do we ensure one here will be attractive?

A. Per our recent community meeting, the DGS and DPR Design Team has been tasked with identifying a test-fit space for a potential dog park at Duke Ellington Field. Once they have gathered all necessary information, they will develop a conceptual layout for the potential park improvements. All DPR dog parks are designed and built to meet required regulatory requirements using industry best practices and constructed in accordance with the available budget.

Q. Will you have a staffer working at Ellington Field? Part-time or full-time?

A. DPR typically does not assign permanent staff to standalone outdoor amenities or facilities. DPR assesses the needs of all our parks and recreation centers annually to ensure we satisfy the needs and programs of the community. 

Q. Could the track and field be re-opened before the fieldhouses?

A. As this project is in the early design stages, DPR cannot make any commitments related to construction timelines or the reopening of amenities following renovation.

Q. Have you spoken with DCPS to coordinate based on whether Hardy is a MS or HS?

A. DPR continues to partner with DCPS regarding the schedule and usage of Duke Ellington Field. Decisions regarding the operations of DCPS schools are not under DPR’s discretion.

2. Potential Parking Mitigation: 

Q. What is your plan to mitigate parking impacts (i.e. reserved drop-off zone, changing the meters from 4-hours to 2-hours). Will you implement it before construction begins?

A. Parking signs and meters fall under the purview of the District Department of Transportation (DDOT). As the adjacent property owner, DPR will work collaboratively with DDOT to share our traffic studies once completed.

3. Potential Light Mitigation:

Q. What is your plan to mitigate “light spill” and “light pollution”?

A. DPR is proposing the use of the state-of-the-art LED Lights with blinders at Duke Ellington Field. These are not the lights we think of as they are very new to the industry. We have installed them in a few parks now, including a large installation at Takoma Soccer Field with great success. These lights can be remotely turned on and off based on permitted field use. These lights have very little light pollution compared to the older models of field lights.

4. Two Brick Buildings:

Q. Can you have a safe bathroom with exterior access that locks at night and is cleaned daily?

A. Once the Design Team has surveyed the park, they will develop a concept drawing to share what might be feasible with these Field Houses. DPR restrooms are managed in coordination with our DPR Urban Park Rangers and cleaned in coordination with our partners at the Department of General Services (DGS).

Q. What other options can you envision for the buildings? Kitchen? Sport equipment loan desk? Outdoor lockers? Indoor lockers? Etc?

A. Once the Design Team has surveyed the park, they will develop a concept drawing to share what might be feasible within these Field Houses.

5. Other:

Q. Will all the trees, both inside and outside the fencing, and both old and newer (from the project supported by Casey Trees), be protected?

A. Once the Design Team has surveyed the park, they will develop a concept drawing to share what might be feasible with the park.

Q. Will current fence and plantings outside the fence remain?

A. Once the Design Team has surveyed the park, they will develop a concept drawing to share what might be feasible with the park.

Again, thank you for your patience and support of DC Parks and Recreation. I look forward to more opportunities for us to work together in support of recreational opportunities in your community. Have a great safe and enjoyable weekend.



Tommie L. Jones, Jr.
Chief of External Affairs and
Director of Strategic Partnerships & Development
DC Department of Parks and Recreation
1275 First Street NE | Washington, DC 20002
P: 202-431-8676 | E: tommie.jones@dc.gov
DPR.DC.GOV | Twitter and Instagram: @dcdpr | facebook.com/dcdpr