Plant Sale Benefits WYG

By Angela Iovino and Rebecca Peterson,


The Burleith Garden Club is selling plants to support the Washington Youth Garden, a local organization dedicated to inspiring and educating children and families all across DC (particularly those in under-served neighborhoods) about the environment and healthy food choices. WYG is a project of Friends of the US National Arboretum, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. So far, the Garden Club has raised $100. But we need to raise an additional $300 to meet our goal of sponsoring a WYG garden project at an underprivileged District school this fall.

The plants and bulbs for sale are great additions to our Burleith gardens. If you're interested, please email us no later than Friday evening, July 1, to arrange payment and pickup. The Garden Club will sell remaining items from 9 am–noon on Saturday, July 2, at the Glover Park-Burleith Farmers Market. Amanda Lepof is the contact person for the garden stones (details below), the sale of which also benefits WYG.

$7 pots

  • 8 Acidanthera plants (summer-blooming perennial flowering bulb ready to transplant or leave in container; sun/partial sun)
  • 1 large pot of mystery ground cover

$4 Pots

  • 1 large corydalis (continuous white blooms in shade)

$3 Pots

  • 4 sweet woodruff (groundcover for shade)
  • 3 seedlings of 10 "John Creech" sedum (sun ground cover)
  • 2 ferns (shade)
  • 1 small red Maple tree (sun/partial sun) 
  • 1 dozen liriope (shade/partial sun ground cover)
  • 8 (6 bulbs each) Acidanthera (Summer-blooming perennial flowering bulb should be planted right away; sun/partial sun)

$2 Pots (sun/partial sun)

  • 27 heirloom tomato plants (organically grown by WYG)
  • 1 eggplant (organically grown by WYG)
  • 2 cucumber
  • 1 lavender
  • Lots of peppermint (can be transplanted or grown in a container)
  • 1 small euphorbia or spurge
  • 2 Greek oregano

Garden Stones. Half a pallet of large and small garden stones (~150 stones) is available for building hardscapes in your yard. All stones available for $75; smaller quantities negotiable. Contact Amanda at

Acidanthera (above) blooms all summer. The mystery ground cover may be sedum.

Acidanthera (above) blooms all summer. The mystery ground cover may be sedum.

There are enough stones to build a 15-foot-long by 1-foot-high wall.

There are enough stones to build a 15-foot-long by 1-foot-high wall.