Custom Zoning Meeting

Please attend a special community meeting devoted to a discussion of managing change in the neighborhood and of custom zoning in particular. The meeting will be held Wednesday, October 25, 7–9 pm, in the Washington International School Multipurpose Room (36th & R).

The main topic of custom zoning will be preceded by a short discussion on the results from the spring 2017 community survey on Burleith property development, which has been distributed a number of times. If you wish to review the results before the meeting, click on Survey Questions and Survey Results.

Joel Lawson, associate director, Development Review, DC Office of Planning, will cover the custom zoning process. In preparation for the discussion of whether custom zoning is right for Burleith, you may wish to review the Recap of the March 15 Zoning Town Hall on the website and the Q&A. The process to create a custom zone is included in the 2016 zoning regulations under Subtitle X – General Procedures, Chapter 4 (page 34 of PDF). Paul Levy, a resident of the Lanier Heights section of Adams Morgan, will discuss the successful re-zoning effort he led there.

Light refreshments will be served.