Spring Clean-Up

By Janice Sims, simsjanice2@gmail.com

Please join other Burleith neighbors at Ellington Field at 9 am on Saturday, June 10, to clean up the neighborhood of litter and trash. You are also encouraged to help weed at Ellington Field. We will have breakfast snacks, coffee, and water to fuel our efforts. Bags and gloves will be provided.

GU will be collecting trash and items that require bulk pick-up. We encourage residents to focus first on their own blocks/alleys and place bagged and bulk trash conspicuously in alleys where GU trucks can collect those items during the cleanup event. We count on support from our regulars to make this event a success. New faces are always welcome, so please bring your neighbors!

Hope to see you there! Questions? Please contact me at simsjanice2@gmail.com.
