BCF+SOME: A Perfect Fit

By Kay Twomey, BCF President

As we close out the year, the Burleith Community Fund board thanks everyone who supported the community and contributed to making Burleith and the District better and kinder. We’re pleased to update you on SOME of our success.

girl scout troop 6252 from Randolph Elementary School in Arlington assembled 11 boxes as one of the community service projects they voted to do this year to help their neighbors in need. photo by divya swamy.

girl scout troop 6252 from Randolph Elementary School in Arlington assembled 11 boxes as one of the community service projects they voted to do this year to help their neighbors in need. photo by divya swamy.

Earlier this month the BCF delivered over 50 boxes packed with essentials as part of our effort to support So Others Might Eat’s (SOME) annual Holiday Shoebox Gift Drive. This fun and rewarding project showcased the spirited and giving side of our community and was made possible through the generosity of all who said yes to helping, provided resources, and donated time. The month-long project culminated one rainy December Saturday, when the first floor of my house was turned into a staging, packing, and wrapping room for several neighbors who worked together with precision and care to decorate and assemble beautiful gifts. Expanding the collaboration and reach, a Virginia Girl Scout troop led by Burleith’s Divya Swamy donated 11 gift boxes for children.

To all who participated, Liane Jones and I thank you on behalf of the BCF Board. We look forward to working with the entire Burleith community in 2019 on other exciting projects that enhance and represent the best of Burleith. If you’d like to donate to the BCF, please click here.

a handful of volunteers packed and wrapped boxes with supplies purchased by the BCF and other participants.

a handful of volunteers packed and wrapped boxes with supplies purchased by the BCF and other participants.

About the Burleith Community Fund. A 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, the BCF strengthens the Burleith community by promoting charitable activities, cultural enrichment, community service, and environmental improvements. Contributions to the BCF are tax-deductible. (Federal tax identification number 26-3431078.)

About SOME. Since 1970, SOME has been serving the poor and homeless in Washington, DC. SOME meets the basic needs of the District’s homeless and poor residents with food, clothing, and medical care and empowers them to break the cycle of homelessness through the provision of job training, addiction treatment, counseling, and affordable housing.

A woman’s box contained a hat, glOves, scarf, socks, underwear, deodorant, soap, shampoo, lotion, toothbrush, toothpaste, razors, and sanitary items.

A woman’s box contained a hat, glOves, scarf, socks, underwear, deodorant, soap, shampoo, lotion, toothbrush, toothpaste, razors, and sanitary items.