Super Cans & Cannots
/An initial meeting to discuss the citations was held on March 15 with representatives from (left to right) the BCA, ANC 2E, the Office of Councilmember Jack Evans, DPW, the Office of the Mayor, and GU's Office of Neighborhood Life. A handful of neighbors also weighed in.
By Ed Solomon, ANC 2E01 Commissioner
In February many residents received tickets for not removing their super cans (trash and recycling) from public space in their rear alleys after pick up. According to the Department of Public Works website, "Residents are required to remove trash and recycling containers from public space by 8 pm on your collection day."
I heard from numerous residents about this most recent enforcement. Concerns focused on having no place to store the cans because of lot configurations, being a senior citizen, and having physical limitations. (According to the DPW website, full cans can weigh over 250 pounds.) DPW subsequently agreed to convert the $75 fines to warnings.
After an initial meeting on March 15 arranged by Sherri Kimbel, director of constituent services for Councilmember Jack Evans, a second meeting was held with DPW and representatives from the offices of all city councilmembers. DPW recommended that if super cans are stored against the rear property that faces the alley, the inspector has discretion for not issuing a ticket. Cans that are open and overflowing, or pushed into the alley, or surrounded by bagged trash on the ground would certainly trigger a fine.
Although this resolution does not guarantee that a ticket will not be issued, it appears that alleys kept neat with super cans placed against the rear structure of your property would meet the spirit of the law. I urge you to be careful so that we can continue to keep them behind our property.
If you have complied and receive a ticket, please email Sherri Kimbel at SKimbel@DCCouncil.US.
Related Reading
- DPW email dismissing violations (May 16, 2018)
- Trash Ticket Reprieve (March 12, 2018)