FY20 Proposed Budget

Last month Mayor Muriel Bowser released her Fiscal Year 2020 Budget, with highlights noted during her State of the District Address. Proposed Ward 2 investments are shown below, and more details about the mayor’s budget by issue area and ward are available here.

The DC Council is holding hearings on the budget through April 25 and will begin mark-up on agency budgets on April 30. The Council will consider the "Fiscal Year 2020 Local Budget Act of 2019" and the "Fiscal Year 2020 Federal Portion Budget Request Act of 2019" on May 28. Information about the budget process is available here.

Ward 2 mayoral liaison Amr Kotb distributed this handout at the April 2 ANC 2E meeting. Ruth Werner, committee director for Councilmember Jack Evans, reminded meeting attendees of the budget hearings now underway.

Ward 2 mayoral liaison Amr Kotb distributed this handout at the April 2 ANC 2E meeting. Ruth Werner, committee director for Councilmember Jack Evans, reminded meeting attendees of the budget hearings now underway.