Annual Mtg + Election

Since 1925, the BCA has been promoting the interests and advocating policies for Burleith residents and homeowners. As elected representatives, the Board provides a strong, unified voice to the community’s concerns, communicates important and timely information, and engages and advises governmental and other agencies, institutions, and neighboring civic associations on important issues. As the community grows and changes, the Board is tireless in its efforts and works with members and friends to ensure Burleith stays safe, strong, dynamic, engaged, and diverse.

The annual meeting of the Burleith Citizens Association will be held on Thursday evening, November 5, via Zoom. Here is the projected agenda:

  • BCA business: 7:00–7:25 pm

  • Mayor Muriel Bowser: 7:25–7:40

  • Ward 2 Councilmember Brooke Pinto: 7:40–7:55

  • ANC2E Commissioner Kishan Putta: 7:55–8:05

  • MPD Commander Duncan Bedlion: 8:05–8:20

  • Georgetown University/Office of Neighborhood Life: 8:20–8:30

  • MedStar Georgetown University Hospital: 8:30–8:40

  • Community Comment: 8:40–9:00

Update (Oct. 30): BCA members qualified to vote in the election of BCA Board Officers and Directors that are up for election at this year's annual meeting will receive an email with a link to a ballot and instructions on how to fill it out. We are following our by-laws on voting procedures as closely as possible under these circumstances. All members filling out an electronic ballot must attend the Zoom annual meeting for the vote to count.

To qualify as a voting member, the household must have been an active member on the 30th day before the annual meeting (10/6) and on the meeting date (11/5). Voting members are resident-owners (2 votes), resident renters (1 vote), and Burleith landlords (1 vote). Affiliates (non-voting), past members, and other members not meeting the qualifications to vote are also most welcome to attend the meeting. If you believe you are a qualified voting member and have not received an email link to a ballot by 12 noon on Wednesday (11/4), the day before the annual meeting day, please email and provide contact information including name, address, and phone number.

As per last year's modification of the bylaws, each board member will have a two-year term and half of the board is elected every year. As of 2020, the Board decided to reduce the total size from 12 to 10 members, as allowed by the bylaws. Per the bylaws, BCA members who are Burleith residents or who own property in Burleith are entitled to vote.

Procedures for nominating additional candidates for one of the open Board positions appear at the end of this post.

Up for election in 2020: Officers

President: Eric Langenbacher. Eric and his wife, Kayoko (Kay), have lived on T Street since 1997, a year after they moved to Washington. They have two sons, Adam, who is finishing a business degree at the University of Colorado at Boulder, and Max, who is a freshman at Georgetown University. Eric is the director of the Honors Program and a teaching professor in the Department of Government, Georgetown University, as well as a Senior Fellow with the American Institute of Contemporary German Studies. He studied German and political science in Canada before completing his PhD in government at Georgetown in 2002. He spends his free time gardening.

Co-Recording Secretary: Michael J. McDuffie. Michael and his wife, Natasha Joukovsky, moved to R Street in 2017 after spending six frenetic years in New York City. They welcomed their son Dorian—a native Burleithian—in late 2018. Michael studied molecular biology at the University of Virginia (where he and Natasha met) and law at the University of Pennsylvania. He is an attorney with experience in commercial litigation and government investigations, but enjoys spending his free time rooting for his hometown Denver Broncos, baking French desserts, and burning off the calories from said desserts by running around beautiful Burleith.

Corresponding Secretary: Linda Brooks. Originally from Southern California, Linda moved to Burleith in 1983. She holds a master’s degree in mathematics and worked in software development, metrics, cost estimation, and process improvement for many years before retiring from Northrop Grumman. In 2009 she set up Burleith’s online membership database and joined the board in 2012 as corresponding secretary, responsible for membership. Since then BCA membership has increased 35%. Linda's other two passions are hiking and Scandinavian folk dancing. She was part of the startup of the Burleith Special Interest Groups, co-led the BCA’s initial fire call box restoration project, and hosts the Winter Gløgg Party. She also represents Burleith on the GCP Metrics and Data and the Safety and Student Life working groups.

Up for election in 2020: Non-Officer Directors (At-Large)

Melanie Gisler (new nominee) has been a Burleithian for 38 years since moving here as a Georgetown student in August 1982. She and her husband, Mark, have raised Sylvia, just recently graduated from the University of Michigan, and Max, a high school senior, in the neighborhood. Melanie has been involved in many aspects of neighborhood life, including organizing the Tot Lot Halloween Party for several years and co-organizing the Burleith Summer Picnic. She also has an understanding of issues facing the neighborhood gleaned from working as ANC2E’s executive director for eight years, such as parking, home renovation, Duke Ellington’s modernization, and town-gown issues with Georgetown University and the hospital. Melanie also has experienced District issues outside of Burleith. She served as the Home School Association president for three years at the School Without Walls High School during the controversial move to annex Francis-Stevens Elementary and Middle School. Melanie is currently a director at the General Federation of Women’s Clubs in Dupont Circle and looks forward to planning the next picnic when neighbors can gather safely again.

Gail Juppenlatz (new nominee) was born and grew up in Saginaw, Michigan, graduating from the University of Michigan with a BS degree in dental hygiene as well as a master’s degree from Central Michigan University in healthcare administration and business. She was a clinical dental hygienist for 50 years working part time for half of those years and retiring seven years ago. Gail was the first dental hygienist to be appointed to the DC Board of Dental Examiners and consequently a dental hygiene examiner for over 30 years for the Commission on Dental Competency Assessments. She has lived in DC since 1965, first in Glover Park and now in Burleith for 10 years. Gail is a volunteer for Georgetown Village and has been active in some neighborhood projects.

Not up for election this year: Officers

Vice President: Nan Bell. Before becoming vice president of the BCA, Nan served as president and treasurer. As VP, Nan sits on the Georgetown Community Partnership (GCP) steering committee and works closely with the six GCP working groups that have Burleith representation. Most of Nan’s professional career has been in the field of international educational and professional exchange at the U.S. Department of State. She holds an MA in French literature from George Washington University, a BA in French from Rhodes College in Memphis, and a certificate in executive international business from Georgetown University. Nan travels to France with her partner, Robert Kane, whenever possible and has lived in Burleith since the late 1970s.

Co-Recording Secretary: Brian Garback. Brian and his wife, Alison, moved to Burleith in 2013 shortly after being married. After renting a lovely house on T Street and the arrival of their first child, they decided to join the other 535 homeowners and buy a place of their own. Today, after a full home renovation and with children Eloise (6), Gwyneth (4), and Ned (1), Brian and Alison are looking forward to a lifetime of memories in Burleith. Brian earned a 5-year master’s in computer science at UVA and spends his days working at IBM in Analytics Solutions. You’ll catch him tending his garden, chanting om at Down Dog Yoga, and biking his girls to school. He’s committed to building a tighter community among Burleith’s young families with a focus on social activities, “bikeability,” parks, and schools.

Treasurer: Linda Dager Hall. Linda moved to DC in 1999 and to 39th Street in 2011. She has a PhD in mathematics education, and has spent her career teaching and conducting research in the field of mathematics education. She taught mathematics at the elementary, secondary, and college levels, most recently at St. Patrick's Episcopal Day School. She is also a researcher, most recently at the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Currently Linda does consulting work on national and international mathematics tests. Her husband, Dick, a retired English teacher, moved to Burleith in 2014, when he and Linda married. Together they have four children and four grandchildren. Linda enjoys gardening, hiking, playing piano, knitting, and reading.

Not up for election this year: Non-Officer Directors (At-Large)

Andrew Dunnaville has been a Burleith resident since February 2014. Andrew grew up in New Jersey and attended Amherst College and the University of Virginia School of Law. After law school, he served as an Air Force JAG (military lawyer), and was stationed in Ohio and Colorado. Andrew returned to the East Coast in 2007 and is currently an administrative judge for the federal government. Before moving to Burleith, Andrew lived in Van Ness. While in Van Ness, he served as vice-president for his condo board. Andrew and his wife, Massa, and son, Zayn, love the walkability, charm, and sense of community that Burleith offers.

Robert Russell and his wife, Emily, moved to Burleith in 2004, and Robert has been on the BCA board for last two years. Heidi, their dog, was the first addition to the family soon after buying the home. They have two daughters: Annika (12), attending Hardy and Ingrid (9), attending Stoddert Elementary, and a black-and-white English Spring Spaniel, Trixie. Robert, who grew up mostly in Europe and graduated from Colgate University, works for General Dynamics Information Technology serving the federal government as a consultant on national security and emergency preparedness issues. He coaches both daughters’ soccer team, loves winter weather, is an avid skier, and looks forward to continuing to support the great community of Burleith.

Additions to the proposed slate of officers and non-officer directors may be made according to the current bylaws, which read:

"Section 2. Nomination by Petition. Any individual not nominated by the Nominating Committee, who is eligible for an officer or non-officer director position under these Bylaws and wishes to be considered for such position by the membership at the Annual Meeting, shall be deemed nominated for such position if he or she submits a written petition signed by persons representing no fewer than 20 votes entitled to be cast on the date of submission of the petition, to the Corresponding Secretary of the Association no later than 14 calendar days before the date of the Annual Meeting. The Corresponding Secretary shall promptly notify the members of the Association of any candidates nominated by petition by the means set forth in Article II, section 5. Nominations from the floor at the Annual Meeting are prohibited and shall not be recognized."