Masked Clean-Up

a hearty band braved the chill for the november 2019 clean up. Covid-19 cancelled the spring 2020 event.

a hearty band braved the chill for the november 2019 clean up. Covid-19 cancelled the spring 2020 event.

By Janice Sims,

Mask up and join us on Saturday, November 14, for the Burleith neighborhood fall clean-up sponsored by the BCA, Georgetown University, and MedStar Georgetown University Hospital. We'll meet at the 38th Street entrance of Ellington Field at 9 am and tackle the surrounding streets and alleys until 11 am. 

Every volunteer will be expected to wear a mask and practice socially distancing. GU will provide disposable gloves and trash bags. We need volunteers, so I hope to see you on November 14!  Please spread the word! If you have any questions, contact Janice Sims by email or at (202) 333-6435.