President’s Message

Hand Sanitizer.jpg

By Eric Langenbacher,

I hope you have been able to enjoy the beautiful spring weather. The flowers and flowering trees have been putting on quite a show recently. Regarding BCA activities, our annual spring clean-up is scheduled for Saturday, June 5, so please save the date. The Board recently decided to postpone the summer picnic to Saturday, September 18. We think this is pragmatic due to the on-going pandemic and the likelihood that almost everyone will be vaccinated by September. The BCA is also happy to report that we have sponsored two new hand sanitizing stations by the tot lot on 35th Street and Ellington Field near the 38th and R entrance. Big thanks to Brian Garback for spearheading this initiative. Finally, we will convene an ad hoc committee soon to start planning for Burleith's centennial in 2023.

There are three larger issues at play that will have a big impact on the neighborhood. First, there is a proposal from DDOT to eliminate all of the parking places on 37th Street between Whitehaven and Reservoir to install bicycle lanes. This is part of a larger plan that calls for more bike lanes connecting upper Northwest to other parts of the city. We had a community meeting last Thursday and there was great turnout, especially from directly affected neighbors on 37th. DDOT presented an alternative called "advisory bike lanes" that would not eliminate any parking. I would personally strongly endorse this option. We will be in touch once we hear more about next steps.

Second, is the fate of the Ellington Field. At a recent meeting, DPR outlined their community outreach process and promised to respond to any questions in writing. They mentioned that they think they can get a regulation-sized field on the space without losing the track, bleachers, and buildings. I am still very unsettled by their plans and process. For instance, they are envisioning all sorts of changes (including lights) without simultaneously dealing with the questions of access, operating hours, or parking. I think a holistic approach is vital. But, I suspect they will try to build what they want and leave the details about parking, etc., to a later date. We must continue to make our voices heard throughout this process.

Third, there could be changes to Hardy Middle School. Although nothing is decided and the BCA does have representation on the relevant working group, one option would be to move the middle school to Macarthur Boulevard and move the 9th grade of Wilson High to the current Hardy building. Any changes will obviously impact the neighborhood, but it is too early to say how. If a high school does move nearby, I would think they should rethink who controls Ellington Field. All the more reason to delay these big decisions. I do often get frustrated that the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing in the DC government.

On more mundane matters, now is time to make sure that you cut your lawns and the curbside space abutting your house. From May 1–October 31, this is actually a DC regulation that can result in fines if not followed. It is also a nice gesture to others to make sure that invasive weeds like dandelions are under control in your space because the seeds spread and affect other neighbors.

As I have written before, the trash bins in the neighborhood are looking haggard. At the least, please request a new lid free of charge from 311. This is especially pressing because damaged bins attract rodents. I have had a couple of reports from neighbors about rats proliferating recently. Feel free to request rodent control measures from the city, although there might be some pandemic-related delays. It has been particularly effective when several neighbors band together.

As the weather warms up, there have been quite a few reports of parties and noise in the neighborhood. Please do let us know when there is an issue and do contact the Georgetown University folks. As an FYI, the university will be doing more in-person graduation activities than they originally planned over the weekend of May 20–23. Also, in case you have not heard, the university will be requiring all students to be vaccinated for the fall 2021 semester.

Stay well!