Annual Mtg. Vote Report

By Linda Brooks, BCA Corresponding Secretary

Eligible BCA members who attended the BCA annual meeting on Thursday, November 10, at Washington International School voted on two ballot items. An explanation of these items was provided in emails to BCA voting members as well as in the Annual Mtg. Ballot Info and 2017 BCA Board Slate web posts. Details and bios of the 2017 Board slate were also provided in the Burleith Bell, which is delivered to each Burleith household. A summary of the meeting, which was attended by 61 BCA members and 17 non-members, will be published in the December Burleith Bell and posted on the website.

Ninety votes were cast: 88 by owner-occupied households; 1 by a renter household; and 1 by a non-resident Burleith landlord. (Owner-occupied households get 2 votes.)

BCA BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Voters approved all 12 candidates.

President: Eric Langenbacher
Vice President: Nan Bell
Co-Recording Secretary: Carol Baume and Robert Russell
Corresponding Secretary: Linda Brooks
Treasurer: Francine Steininger

NON-OFFICER DIRECTORS (AT-LARGE): Ann Carper, Edith Cecil, Stacy Bernard Davis, Alex Frederick, Liane Jones, Kay Twomey

BYLAWS CHANGE. 66% voted in favor of retaining the May 2016 amendment to the BCA Bylaws, which added the phrase "including safeguarding the neighborhood's heritage." Therefore, the May 2016 Bylaws will remain in effect.

"Section 3. Purposes. The Association is organized to promote the social welfare of, and to promote and advocate the interests and rights of, all residents of the Burleith Community; to sponsor or participate in activities that maintain and improve the quality of life within the Burleith Community; including safeguarding the neighborhood's heritage; and for related purposes."