Surveying DC Seniors

Information provided by District of Columbia Office on Aging (DCOA)

2016 DCOA Senior Needs Assessment Survey


Purpose: The GW Center for Aging, Health & Humanities, in collaboration with the District of Columbia Office on Aging (DCOA), is conducting a Needs Assessment for older adults in DC. The purpose of the survey is to identify the unmet needs of seniors in Washington, DC, to enable our team to:

  • make recommendations to DCOA and service providers to better meet your needs,
  • identify evidence-based, cost-effective practices in other communities, and
  • develop creative strategies within the wards. As a senior and a member of the DC community, your input is valuable. With your participation, together we can create an Age-Friendly DC.

How to participate in the 2016 Survey

  • In-Person: Pick up/complete a paper copy of the survey at any of the DCOA Senior Wellness Centers and Lead Agencies. When complete please return it to the same location.
  • Mail: You may call (202) 994-6726 to have one sent to you. This can be returned by mail or dropped off at a DCOA Senior Wellness Center or Lead Agency by August 30, 2016.
  • Electronically: You may take the survey online at Please complete by August 30, 2016.

Deadline: Please turn in survey by August 30, 2016, by one of the options listed above.

Definition of Senior and Caregiver

  • Senior: Those 60 years of age or older. While multiple definitions of senior exist, DCOA offers services to individuals 60 years of age or older.
  • Caregiver: Relatives, friend or neighbors that regularly provide assistance to older adults who are 60 years old and older. If you care for someone over 60 years of age or older who cannot fill out this survey, please fill it out according to your perception of their needs.

Questions or Concerns: Call Beverly Lunsford, research coordinator, at (202) 994-6726.


The Final Report will be available for review on the DCOA Website late 2016.