Halcyon: 5/2020


In April Halcyon launched a full slate of virtual events, including Breakfast with Halcyon, a series discussing how current events are impacting fellows working in different sectors, and virtual studio visits, inviting Arts Lab fellows to host a discussion, share their current work, or show you around their space.

There’s still time to register for Breakfast with Halcyon: Immigration and Refugees, Halcyon’s final April event, on Wednesday, April 29.

May’s events continue to put its fellows front and center, featuring almost a dozen current and past Halcyon fellows bringing you music, discussions about education, technology, and accessibility, studio tours, and more. Click the link below to learn more and register, or click here for the full calendar.

All of these events are live Zoom conferences. As soon as you register, you'll receive a link to access the conference (and you’ll get another link 30 minutes before the event, just in case).